To see the world as it is and to love it.
Romain Rolland
▶学习笔记 § Study Notes
以个人的学习过程笔记为主,涉及平台前、后端技术、机器学习、计算机视觉。 Personal study notes, involving Software Engineering, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, etc.
▶私人博客 § Personal Blog
互联网技术方面的文章转载和分享、 具有哲学思考性的文献转载和分享。 Internet technical articles sharing and philosophical literature sharing Blog.
▶个人思考 § Self Thinking
个人的一点思考,涉及宗教、西方哲学、个人经历、意识形态、形而上学等。 Involving religion, Western philosophy, personal experience, ideology, metaphysics, etc.
友情链接 § BlogLink :